Title: Is advertising a good or bad things?
Gruop: 2º ano EM
Time Frame: 3 classes
Focus: Coordinating Conjunctions
Number of students: 18
Week- 03-03-2015
Aim: The students recognize the topic studied and use it in context.
TOOLS/ MATERIAL -Promethean boards -linoit.com -mobile phone -student’s book
Before class: Students have to watch the video was sent.
Video In class They will do the exercises about the topic studied at home.
Homework: Write your opinion on the linoit board - Is advertising a good or bad things? ( the mistakes were worked in the classroom)
Extra activity: Students have to create their own product and a slogan and a jingle for the product.
Evaluation: Students have to present their work to their classmate.
Here an example of the product created by one of the groups.
Slogan: Change your past while you have time.
Video: Presentation